Our Story

At BuyDesks, our main aim is to make purchasing a top-quality desk easy and efficient, whether you're working from home or in a bustling office. We're committed to providing excellent customer service and building strong relationships with our trusted suppliers. Our goal is simple: to support productive workspaces across the UK by offering the best desks and service possible.

    Built upon a decade of expertise in Ecommerce and Digital Design, BuyDesks has emerged in recognition of the profound influence of hyrbid, remote and home working on our culture. In this era of change, where the dynamics of independent and collaborative work have been reshaped, our mission is to provide for individuals and organisations seeking to enhance work efficiency through the creation and improvement of working spaces.

    The idea of working from home has become increasingly significant, shaping a lasting trend. Acknowledging the pivotal role of an optimal workspace in promoting productivity, BuyDesks is committed to providing solutions that adapt to the changing needs of our society.

    At BuyDesks, we believe everyone deserves a workspace that boosts productivity, whether it's within the comforts of home, a shared office, or a larger studio. Our dedication is to assist individuals and businesses in crafting environments that exude efficiency and success. We offer a diverse range of desk types, various styles to match the unique preferences and needs of each customer, ensuring a customized solution for every working or creative space.

      “Over a decade of experience working as a graphic designer within the ecommerce sector, I’m extremely familiar with the importance of a clean, structured and functional workspace. My work on BuyDesks comes from a place of passion for productivity. I truly believe moving forward in our modern working lives, being able to work at full capacity while comfortable and in good health, will make us more productive as a society and lead to better our lives, families and communities.''

      • Aaron 34, Derbyshire